Trend This!
TV Series
"Trend This!" offers an ideal and potent showcase that plugs into today's web-powered D.I.Y. culture that builds the base for the buzz to come and acts as a catalyst to raise cultural and media awareness to the next levels and beyond. It's the personalities, inventions, products, trends, creative forces, and artists being tagged and revealed right now as their cultural trajectories rocket upward. 'Trend This!' is an entertaining News/Talk series featuring a variety of hilarious and typically relevant sketches brought to life by Paffrath, Cooper, and series producer/director Justin Cronkite.
Rating: Rating: 8/10 (51)
time Duration: Minutes
Calender Release Date: Jul 10, 2012
Country: USA
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  • Stars: Amy Paffrath, Emrhys Cooper, Adrian Bustamante
  • Plot Keywords: social media, social activism, dream, engagement, interview
  • Production Company: Death by Development

"Trend This!" offers an ideal and potent showcase that plugs into today's web-powered D.I.Y. culture that builds the base for the buzz to come and acts as a catalyst to raise cultural and ...  

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