The Mole
TV Series
A game show in which globe-trotting contestants solve puzzles and complete tasks in order to win a cash prize -- all while trying to figure out who among them is a player planted to sabotage the game.
Rating: Rating: 7.7/10 (1.3K)
time Duration: 60 Minutes
Calender Release Date: Jan 9, 2001
Country: USA
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    • Stars: Anderson Cooper, Heather Campbell Willison, Dorothy Hui
    • Plot Keywords: slow motion, spy, subterfuge, sequel, espionage
    • Production Company: American Broadcasting Company (ABC),Stone Stanley Productions

    A game show in which globe-trotting contestants solve puzzles and complete tasks in order to win a cash prize -- all while trying to figure out who among them is a player planted to sabotage the game.

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