Our Longest Drive
Our Longest Drive is a documentary about four guys who drive to the Arctic Circle to play golf. One of them is dead. The dead guy is along for the ride, his ashes precious cargo in a cherry wood box. Together, the men drive 5000 miles in an RV from Chicago to Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada - as far as the road will take them - to tee up on a three-hole grassless course at midnight of the summer solstice. Coping with health issues and all past retirement age, they have only two things in common - a love for each other and a history of having played golf together for over 20 years. Our Longest Drive is a documentary about friendship, adventure, aging, death and triumph. —Anonymous
Rating: Rating: /10 ()
time Duration: 150 Minutes
Calender Release Date: Oct 15, 2012
Country: USA,Canada
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  • Stars: Daniel Johnson, Jim Thompson, Vic Zast
  • Director(s): Martin Rodahl
  • Writer(s): Daniel Johnson, Martin Rodahl, Jim Thompson
  • Production Company: 71 Degrees North

Our Longest Drive is a documentary about four guys who drive to the Arctic Circle to play golf. One of them is dead. The dead guy is along for the ride, his ashes precious cargo in a c... Our Longest Drive is a documentary about four guys who drive to the Arctic Circle to play golf. One of them is dead. The dead guy is along for the ride, his ashes precious cargo in a cherry wood box. Together, the men drive 5000 miles in an RV from Chicago to Inuvik, Northwest Te... Our Longest Drive is a documentary about four guys who drive to the Arctic Circle to play golf. One of them is dead. The dead guy is along for the ride, his ashes precious cargo in a cherry wood box. Together, the men drive 5000 miles in an RV from Chicago to Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada - as far as the road will take them - to tee up on a three-hole grassles...

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