Breaking Stereotypes
The Breaking Stereotypes documentary originally started as a single documentary project which then progressed into a series. The first documentary was filmed over 16 destinations throughout Europe and was filmed as a full feature documentary. The second in the series is called The Daniel Alvarez Adventure which was filmed as a short documentary in South America with most of the footage being done in Santa Elena - Colombia. The third Breaking Stereotypes documentary was filmed in Bavaria and Madagascar.
Rating: Rating: /10 ()
time Duration: 74 Minutes
Calender Release Date: Mar 13, 2011
Country: South Africa
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  • Stars: Breanne Bailey, Martin Bengtsson, Jenny Eliasson
  • Director(s): Yashivan Govender, Duma Mseleku
  • Plot Keywords: breaking stereotypes
  • Production Company: Breaking Stereotypes

The Breaking Stereotypes documentary originally started as a single documentary project which then progressed into a series. The first documentary was filmed over 16 destinations throughout...  

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