
[Udemy] Сердечные приступы и инсульты убивают (2023)

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Uploaded Nov 28, 2023
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Folder[Udemy] Сердечные приступы и инсульты убивают (2023)
File165.Nature.mp4 - 255 MB
File165.Nature.mp3 - 17.7 MB
FileREWARD.pdf - 544 kB
File165.Nature.vtt - 11 kB
Folder2.Allocation of resources
File2.Voluntary watch.mp4 - 250 MB
FileHP 30 Day Planner.docx - 18.9 MB
File2.Voluntary watch.mp3 - 16 MB
File2.Voluntary watch.vtt - 16.6 kB
Folder9.COVID 19 the risk
File123.Mental Health.mp4 - 163 MB
File109.Mental Health.mp4 - 139 MB
File107.Mental Health.mp4 - 118 MB
File103.Mental Health.mp4 - 102 MB
File111.Mental Health.mp4 - 101 MB
File106.Mental Health.mp4 - 97.9 MB
File125.Mental Health.mp4 - 97.1 MB
File84.Mental Health.mp4 - 89.2 MB
File85.Mental Health.mp4 - 89 MB
File95.Mental Health.mp4 - 83.1 MB
File112.Mental Health.mp4 - 81.3 MB
File138.Mental Health.mp4 - 78.6 MB
File119.Mental Health.mp4 - 77 MB
File83.Trade offs.mp4 - 74.1 MB
File124.Mental Health.mp4 - 73.1 MB
File133.Mental Health.mp4 - 72.8 MB
File104.Mental Health.mp4 - 71.7 MB
File98.Mental Health.mp4 - 69.5 MB
File82.Trade offs.mp4 - 69 MB
File127.Mental Health.mp4 - 68.7 MB
File105.Mental Health.mp4 - 64 MB
File128.Mental Health.mp4 - 63.3 MB
File120.Mental Health.mp4 - 61.8 MB
File81.Introduction.mp4 - 59.9 MB
File137.Mental Health.mp4 - 59.7 MB
File96.Mental Health.mp4 - 55.9 MB
File108.Mental Health.mp4 - 55.3 MB
File136.Mental Health.mp4 - 55.2 MB
File86.Mental Health.mp4 - 54.8 MB
File121.Mental Health.mp4 - 52.5 MB
File100.Mental Health.mp4 - 51.1 MB
File134.Mental Health.mp4 - 48.8 MB
File92.Mental Health.mp4 - 47.5 MB
File126.Mental Health.mp4 - 46.9 MB
File93.Mental Health.mp4 - 46.2 MB
File94.Mental Health.mp4 - 45.2 MB
File122.Mental Health.mp4 - 44.6 MB
File102.Mental Health.mp4 - 43.9 MB
File135.Mental Health.mp4 - 40.1 MB
File110.Mental Health.mp4 - 39.8 MB
File118.Mental Health.mp4 - 38.6 MB
File130.Mental Health.mp4 - 38.3 MB
File139.Mental Health.mp4 - 36 MB
File132.Mental Health.mp4 - 34.4 MB
File99.Mental Health.mp4 - 31.5 MB
File97.Mental Health.mp4 - 29.7 MB
File117.Mental Health.mp4 - 25.8 MB
File91.Mental Health.mp4 - 25.7 MB
File113.Mental Health.mp4 - 24.4 MB
File87.Mental Health.mp4 - 23.7 MB
File89.Mental Health.mp4 - 23.5 MB
File90.Mental Health.mp4 - 23.1 MB
File115.Mental Health.mp4 - 21.4 MB
File131.Mental Health.mp4 - 19.8 MB
File129.Mental Health.mp4 - 15.9 MB
File116.Mental Health.mp4 - 15.8 MB
File103.Mental Health.mp3 - 12.8 MB
File101.Mental Health.mp4 - 12.6 MB
File106.Mental Health).mp3 - 12.1 MB
File109.Mental Health.mp3 - 12.1 MB
File88.Mental Health.mp4 - 11.9 MB
File111.Mental Health.mp3 - 11.6 MB
File114.Mental Health.mp4 - 11 MB
File107.Mental Health.mp3 - 10.9 MB
File133.Mental Health.mp3 - 10.8 MB
File112.Mental Health).mp3 - 10.5 MB
File123.Mental Health.mp3 - 10.3 MB
File125.Mental Health.mp3 - 9.94 MB
File127.Mental Health.mp3 - 9.72 MB
File119.Mental Health.mp3 - 9.71 MB
File108.Mental Health.mp3 - 9.42 MB
File126.Mental Health.mp3 - 9.25 MB
File85.Mental Health.mp3 - 8.75 MB
File104.Mental Health.mp3 - 8.73 MB
File84.Mental Health.mp3 - 8.43 MB
File83.Trade offs.mp3 - 8.12 MB
File95.Mental Health.mp3 - 8.1 MB
File120.Mental Health.mp3 - 8.06 MB
File105.Mental Health.mp3 - 7.7 MB
File128.Mental Health.mp3 - 7.36 MB
File81.Introduction.mp3 - 7.29 MB
File121.Mental Health.mp3 - 7.12 MB
File132.Mental Health.mp3 - 6.95 MB
File98.Mental Health.mp3 - 6.81 MB
File96.Mental Health.mp3 - 6.78 MB
File138.Mental Health.mp3 - 6.61 MB
File102.Mental Health.mp3 - 6.55 MB
File82.Trade offs.mp3 - 6.33 MB
File137.Mental Health.mp3 - 6.17 MB
File94.Mental Health.mp3 - 6.15 MB
File130.Mental Health.m4a - 6.11 MB
File136.Mental Health.mp3 - 6.06 MB
File100.Mental Health.mp3 - 6.02 MB
File92.Mental Health.mp3 - 5.84 MB
File86.Mental Health.mp3 - 5.24 MB
File134.Mental Health.mp3 - 5.11 MB
File93.Mental Health.mp3 - 4.95 MB
File113.Mental Health).mp3 - 4.73 MB
File124.Mental Health.mp3 - 4.42 MB
File110.Mental Health.mp3 - 4.35 MB
File135.Mental Health.mp3 - 4.18 MB
File97.Mental Health.mp3 - 3.74 MB
File99.Mental Health.mp3 - 3.71 MB
File139.Mental Health.mp3 - 3.71 MB
File101.Mental Health.mp3 - 3.53 MB
File131.Mental Health.mp3 - 3.33 MB
File121.Control yourself.pdf - 3.32 MB
File87.Mental Health.mp3 - 3.01 MB
File89.Mental Health.mp3 - 2.95 MB
File90.Mental Health.m4a - 2.91 MB
File129.Mental Health.mp3 - 2.85 MB
File91.Mental Health.mp3 - 2.76 MB
File88.Mental Health.mp3 - 1.73 MB
File103.Mental Health.vtt - 13.6 kB
File106.Mental Health.vtt - 11.9 kB
File85.Mental Health.vtt - 10.5 kB
File83.Trade offs.vtt - 9.73 kB
File125.Mental Health.vtt - 9.29 kB
File108.Mental Health.vtt - 8.63 kB
File109.Mental Health.vtt - 8.61 kB
File81.Introduction.vtt - 8.48 kB
File84.Mental Health.vtt - 8.07 kB
File112.Mental Health.vtt - 7.9 kB
File126.Mental Health.vtt - 7.89 kB
File107.Mental Health.vtt - 7.77 kB
File119.Mental Health.vtt - 7.6 kB
File127.Mental Health.vtt - 7.38 kB
File128.Mental Health.vtt - 7.37 kB
File82.Trade offs.vtt - 7.14 kB
File95.Mental Health.vtt - 6.97 kB
File136.Mental Health.vtt - 6.95 kB
File96.Mental Health.vtt - 6.86 kB
File133.Mental Health.vtt - 6.78 kB
File120.Mental Health.vtt - 6.77 kB
File111.Mental Health.vtt - 6.71 kB
File137.Mental Health.vtt - 6.28 kB
File105.Mental Health.vtt - 6.26 kB
File121.Mental Health.vtt - 6.22 kB
File134.Mental Health.vtt - 6.09 kB
File86.Mental Health.vtt - 5.83 kB
File98.Mental Health.vtt - 5.6 kB
File92.Mental Health.vtt - 5.53 kB
File130.Mental Health.vtt - 5.52 kB
File104.Mental Health.vtt - 5.48 kB
File138.Mental Health.vtt - 5.48 kB
File93.Mental Health.vtt - 4.8 kB
File94.Mental Health.vtt - 4.67 kB
File100.Mental Health.vtt - 4.6 kB
File123.Mental Health.vtt - 4.51 kB
File102.Mental Health.vtt - 4.22 kB
File139.Mental Health.vtt - 4.21 kB
File135.Mental Health.vtt - 4.13 kB
File110.Mental Health.vtt - 3.9 kB
File99.Mental Health.vtt - 3.65 kB
File97.Mental Health.vtt - 3.32 kB
File90.Mental Health.vtt - 3.26 kB
File87.Mental Health.vtt - 3.25 kB
File89.Mental Health.vtt - 3.09 kB
File122.Mental Health.vtt - 3.08 kB
File91.Mental Health.vtt - 2.94 kB
File132.Mental Health.vtt - 2.7 kB
File101.Mental Health.vtt - 2.67 kB
File129.Mental Health.vtt - 2.44 kB
File131.Mental Health.vtt - 2.39 kB
File113.Mental Health.vtt - 2.39 kB
File124.Mental Health.vtt - 2.28 kB
File117.Mental Health.vtt - 1.55 kB
File88.Mental Health.vtt - 1.19 kB
File118.Mental Health.vtt - 970 B
File115.Mental Health.vtt - 427 B
File114.Mental Health.vtt - 323 B
File116.Mental Health.vtt - 211 B
File159.Homework.mp4 - 150 MB
File152.Me.mp4 - 126 MB
File164.Confusion.mp4 - 106 MB
File162.Homework.mp4 - 106 MB
File148.Studies.mp4 - 92.7 MB
File146.Studies.mp4 - 88.4 MB
File144.Do face coverings work.mp4 - 79 MB
File158.What to know before buying a face mask.mp4 - 69.1 MB
File157.What to know before buying a face mask.mp4 - 68.6 MB
File149.Studies.mp4 - 68 MB
File142.And on public transport.mp4 - 67.5 MB
File154.Who is protected.mp4 - 67.4 MB
File161.Homework.mp4 - 66.5 MB
File160.Homework.mp4 - 65.5 MB
File153.Return to the evidence.mp4 - 64.2 MB
File150.All change.mp4 - 60.1 MB
File140.Face covering rules.mp4 - 58.4 MB
File141.Why the rule change.mp4 - 58.3 MB
File147.Studies.mp4 - 56.6 MB
File163.Homework.mp4 - 52.2 MB
File145.Studies.mp4 - 49.3 MB
File151.Confusion.mp4 - 48.3 MB
File155.How many people need to wear masks.mp4 - 45.8 MB
File143.And on public transport.mp4 - 36.4 MB
File156.Why am I wearing a mask.mp4 - 24.8 MB
File164.Confusion.mp3 - 16.1 MB
File163.Homework.mp3 - 14.6 MB
File159.Homework.mp3 - 11.9 MB
File152.Me.mp3 - 11.9 MB
File148.Studies.mp3 - 11.3 MB
File146.Studies.mp3 - 9.68 MB
File162.Homework.mp3 - 9.46 MB
File144.Do face coverings work.mp3 - 9.17 MB
File157.What to know before buying a face mask.mp3 - 8.21 MB
File160.Homework.mp3 - 7.93 MB
File161.Homework.mp3 - 7.61 MB
File158.What to know before buying a face mask.mp3 - 6.89 MB
File154.Who is protected.mp3 - 6.73 MB
File150.All change.mp3 - 6.6 MB
File153.Return to the evidence.mp3 - 6.49 MB
File149.Studies.mp3 - 6.45 MB
File145.Studies.mp3 - 6.11 MB
File142.And on public transport.mp3 - 6.1 MB
File147.Studies.mp3 - 6.08 MB
File141.Why the rule change.mp3 - 5.87 MB
File140.Face covering rules.mp3 - 5.85 MB
File151.Confusion.mp3 - 5.25 MB
File155.How many people need to wear masks.mp3 - 4.89 MB
File143.And on public transport.mp3 - 3.99 MB
File156.Why am I wearing a mask.mp3 - 2.77 MB
File163.Homework.vtt - 14.2 kB
File152.Me.vtt - 12.1 kB
File148.Studies.vtt - 9.67 kB
File146.Studies.vtt - 9.6 kB
File144.Do face coverings work.vtt - 7.93 kB
File157.What to know before buying a face mask.vtt - 7.78 kB
File154.Who is protected.vtt - 7.46 kB
File159.Homework.vtt - 6.8 kB
File150.All change.vtt - 6.79 kB
File141.Why the rule change.vtt - 6.66 kB
File149.Studies.vtt - 6.24 kB
File142.And on public transport.vtt - 5.82 kB
File147.Studies.vtt - 5.73 kB
File140.Face covering rules.vtt - 5.57 kB
File153.Return to the evidence.vtt - 5.26 kB
File145.Studies.vtt - 5.2 kB
File164.Confusion.vtt - 4.92 kB
File151.Confusion.vtt - 4.73 kB
File155.How many people need to wear masks.vtt - 4.68 kB
File158.What to know before buying a face mask.vtt - 4.56 kB
File143.And on public transport.vtt - 3.96 kB
File161.Homework.vtt - 3.94 kB
File160.Homework.vtt - 3.71 kB
File156.Why am I wearing a mask.vtt - 2.64 kB
File162.Homework.vtt - 680 B
Folder6.Stress, strokes and Heart Attacks
File31.Two.mp4 - 126 MB
File39.Ten.mp4 - 90.3 MB
File46.Seventeen.mp4 - 73.6 MB
File35.Six.mp4 - 65.4 MB
File45.Sixteen.mp4 - 63.6 MB
File30.One.mp4 - 52.7 MB
File43.Fourteen.mp4 - 52.5 MB
File36.Seven.mp4 - 47.7 MB
File42.Thirteen.mp4 - 45.2 MB
File41.Twelve.mp4 - 40 MB
File37.Eight.mp4 - 39.6 MB
File38.Nine.mp4 - 34.2 MB
File44.Fifteen.mp4 - 32.1 MB
File32.Three.mp4 - 29.9 MB
File34.Five.mp4 - 27.4 MB
File40.Eleven.mp4 - 27 MB
File39.Ten.mp3 - 14.5 MB
File35.Six.mp3 - 11.1 MB
File46.Seventeen.mp3 - 10.4 MB
File33.Four.mp3 - 9.41 MB
File30.One.mp3 - 8.02 MB
File45.Sixteen.mp3 - 7.92 MB
File43.Fourteen.mp3 - 7.39 MB
File38.Nine.mp3 - 6.45 MB
File36.Seven.mp3 - 5.93 MB
File37.Eight.mp3 - 5.33 MB
File32.Three.mp3 - 5.03 MB
File42.Thirteen.mp3 - 4.63 MB
File40.Eleven.mp3 - 4.15 MB
File41.Twelve.mp3 - 4.12 MB
File44.Fifteen.mp3 - 3.72 MB
File34.Five.mp3 - 3.23 MB
File31.Two.vtt - 13.5 kB
File39.Ten.vtt - 12 kB
File35.Six.vtt - 11.8 kB
File33.Four.vtt - 10.6 kB
File45.Sixteen.vtt - 8.92 kB
File46.Seventeen.vtt - 7.23 kB
File36.Seven.vtt - 6.76 kB
File43.Fourteen.vtt - 6.29 kB
File38.Nine.vtt - 6.28 kB
File42.Thirteen.vtt - 5.32 kB
File30.One.vtt - 5.29 kB
File37.Eight.vtt - 5.21 kB
File44.Fifteen.vtt - 4.34 kB
File34.Five.vtt - 4.01 kB
File40.Eleven.vtt - 3.41 kB
File32.Three.vtt - 2.35 kB
File41.Twelve.vtt - 1.8 kB
Folder13.Bookclub 1
File179.Unfulfilled promise.mp4 - 119 MB
File176.Family relationships.mp4 - 77.9 MB
File177.Systemic relationship.mp4 - 69 MB
File178.Death.mp4 - 65.9 MB
File175.The Promise.mp4 - 25.6 MB
File179.Unfulfilled promise.mp3 - 14 MB
File176.Family relationships.mp3 - 9.08 MB
File177.Systemic relationship.mp3 - 7.85 MB
File178.Death.mp3 - 7.27 MB
File175.The Promise.mp3 - 1.71 MB
File179.Unfulfilled promise.vtt - 11.3 kB
File176.Family relationships.vtt - 7.45 kB
File177.Systemic relationship.vtt - 7.07 kB
File178.Death.vtt - 5.53 kB
File175.The Promise.vtt - 1.39 kB
Folder7.Unfortunately it's been necessary
File49.Lecture 3.mp4 - 115 MB
File48.Lecture 2.mp4 - 110 MB
File47.Lecture 1.mp4 - 60.7 MB
File51.Lecture 5.mp4 - 46.5 MB
File50.Lecture 4.mp4 - 43.8 MB
File52.Lecture 6.mp4 - 41.8 MB
File49.Lecture 3.mp3 - 17.1 MB
File48.Lecture 2.mp3 - 12.9 MB
File47.Lecture 1.mp3 - 12.7 MB
File50.Lecture 4.mp3 - 6.01 MB
File51.Lecture 5.mp3 - 5.81 MB
File52.Lecture 6.mp3 - 4.51 MB
File52.The Stroke Workbook.pdf - 604 kB
File49.Lecture 3.vtt - 17 kB
File47.Lecture 1.vtt - 12.2 kB
File48.Lecture 2.vtt - 11.3 kB
File50.Lecture 4.vtt - 5.87 kB
File51.Lecture 5.vtt - 5.82 kB
File52.Lecture 6.vtt - 3.79 kB
Folder14.Improving your English
File181.Lesson 1.mp4 - 92 MB
File182.Lesson 2.mp4 - 75 MB
File183.Lesson 3.mp4 - 73.7 MB
File187.Lesson 7.mp4 - 53 MB
File188.Lesson 8.mp4 - 48.1 MB
File185.Lesson 5.mp4 - 45.2 MB
File184.Lesson 4.mp4 - 45 MB
File186.Lesson 6.mp4 - 40.6 MB
File180.Introduction.mp4 - 19.3 MB
File181.Lesson 1.mp3 - 13.8 MB
File182.Lesson 2.mp3 - 11.5 MB
File188.Lesson 8.mp3 - 8.87 MB
File183.Lesson 3.mp3 - 8.44 MB
File187.Lesson 7.mp3 - 7.08 MB
File184.Lesson 4.m4a - 6.47 MB
File186.Lesson 6.mp3 - 5.57 MB
File180.Introduction.mp3 - 4.58 MB
File181.Lesson 1.vtt - 12.4 kB
File182.Lesson 2.vtt - 11.7 kB
File183.Lesson 3.vtt - 8.03 kB
File185.Lesson 5.vtt - 7.41 kB
File187.Lesson 7.vtt - 6.38 kB
File184.Lesson 4.vtt - 5.88 kB
File188.Lesson 8.vtt - 5.16 kB
File186.Lesson 6.vtt - 4.92 kB
File180.Introduction.vtt - 2.49 kB
Folder8.Can Art Therapy
File77.Therapies available.mp4 - 90.4 MB
File80.Over to you.mp4 - 74.1 MB
File68.Art therapy and strokes.mp4 - 65.8 MB
File71.Can the arts help stroke rehabilitation.mp4 - 64.2 MB
File62.The global burden.mp4 - 61.4 MB
File60.Some studies.mp4 - 54.3 MB
File53.Start with the Economics.mp4 - 52.2 MB
File57.Let us look at the data.mp4 - 48.9 MB
File75.Therapies available.mp4 - 48.9 MB
File78.Over to you.mp4 - 48.7 MB
File64.The global burden.mp4 - 43 MB
File65.The global burden.mp4 - 40.3 MB
File54.Start with the Economics.mp4 - 38.2 MB
File67.Art therapy and strokes.mp4 - 38.1 MB
File66.The global burden.mp4 - 34.5 MB
File73.Therapies available.mp4 - 34 MB
File55.Start with the Economics.mp4 - 33.9 MB
File79.Over to you.mp4 - 33.4 MB
File69.Art therapy and strokes.mp4 - 33.2 MB
File76.Therapies available.mp4 - 32 MB
File56.Let us look at the data.mp4 - 24.4 MB
File59.Some studies.mp4 - 17 MB
File74.Therapies available.mp4 - 16.8 MB
File58.Let us look at the data.mp4 - 16 MB
File70.Can the arts help stroke rehabilitation.mp4 - 15.8 MB
File80.Over to you.mp3 - 9.48 MB
File63.The global burden.mp4 - 9.17 MB
File61.Some studies.mp4 - 8.93 MB
File72.Can the arts help stroke rehabilitation.mp4 - 8.87 MB
File66.The global burden.mp3 - 7.98 MB
File73.Therapies available.mp3 - 7.74 MB
File67.Art therapy and strokes.mp3 - 7.19 MB
File62.The global burden.mp3 - 7.17 MB
File75.Therapies available.mp3 - 6.99 MB
File71.Can the arts help stroke rehabilitation.mp3 - 6.54 MB
File60.Some studies.mp3 - 6.41 MB
File64.The global burden.mp3 - 6.37 MB
File53.Start with the Economics.mp3 - 6.34 MB
File68.Art therapy and strokes.mp3 - 6.31 MB
File57.Let us look at the data.mp3 - 5.94 MB
File78.Over to you.mp3 - 5.86 MB
File74.Therapies available.mp3 - 5.86 MB
File65.The global burden.mp3 - 5.5 MB
File69.Art therapy and strokes.mp3 - 5.47 MB
File55.Start with the Economics.mp3 - 4.86 MB
File79.Over to you.mp3 - 4.5 MB
File54.Start with the Economics.mp3 - 4.49 MB
File80.Art Therapy and Strokes.pdf - 4.47 MB
File76.Therapies available.mp3 - 4.29 MB
File59.Some studies.mp3 - 3.87 MB
File56.Let us look at the data.mp3 - 3.61 MB
File63.The global burden.mp3 - 2.88 MB
File70.Can the arts help stroke rehabilitation.mp3 - 2.74 MB
File58.Let us look at the data.mp3 - 2.38 MB
File61.Some studies.mp3 - 1.5 MB
File57.Let us look at the data.vtt - 7.26 kB
File71.Can the arts help stroke rehabilitation.vtt - 6.81 kB
File64.The global burden.vtt - 6.67 kB
File53.Start with the Economics.vtt - 6.45 kB
File60.Some studies.vtt - 6.33 kB
File78.Over to you.vtt - 6.25 kB
File75.Therapies available.vtt - 5.56 kB
File79.Over to you.vtt - 5.34 kB
File65.The global burden.vtt - 5.21 kB
File62.The global burden.vtt - 5.17 kB
File66.The global burden.vtt - 4.99 kB
File54.Start with the Economics.vtt - 4.69 kB
File76.Therapies available.vtt - 4.61 kB
File67.Art therapy and strokes.vtt - 4.48 kB
File68.Art therapy and strokes.vtt - 4.33 kB
File55.Start with the Economics.vtt - 3.73 kB
File80.Over to you.vtt - 2.65 kB
File70.Can the arts help stroke rehabilitation.vtt - 2.6 kB
File56.Let us look at the data.vtt - 2.54 kB
File73.Therapies available.vtt - 2.29 kB
File63.The global burden.vtt - 1.56 kB
File59.Some studies.vtt - 1.44 kB
File61.Some studies.vtt - 912 B
File69.Art therapy and strokes.vtt - 878 B
File58.Let us look at the data.vtt - 661 B
File72.Can the arts help stroke rehabilitation.vtt - 416 B
File74.Therapies available.vtt - 306 B
File77.Therapies available.vtt - 8 B
Folder3.Please watch this first
File3.Please watch this first.mp4 - 66 MB
File365 Days of Study 2021 calendar.pdf - 20.9 MB
File3.Please watch this first.vtt - 8 B
Folder1.Friendly advice
File1.Friendly advice.mp4 - 52.7 MB
FileArtTherapyCourse Tracker VD.docx - 1.6 MB
File1.Friendly advice.vtt - 40 B
Folder4.Oxford School of Learning Diploma
File4.About the Diploma.mp4 - 52.7 MB
File4.About the Diploma.mp3 - 7.7 MB
FileThe Bronze Diploma workbook.pdf - 3.34 MB
FileCoping with 2020.pdf - 1.04 MB
FileMake 2020 one of JOY.pdf - 1.04 MB
FileRequirements for the diploma read this first.pdf - 770 kB
FileExercise and stroke.doc - 113 kB
File4.About the Diploma.vtt - 7.32 kB
Folder5.How to prevent a Stroke
File29.Conclusion.mp4 - 50.6 MB
File26.Manage stress.mp4 - 47.7 MB
File12.Cholesterol.mp4 - 46.3 MB
File15.Diet.mp4 - 44.8 MB
File29.TIAworkbook.pdf - 43.3 MB
File6.What is a stroke.mp4 - 40.4 MB
File25.Drugs.mp4 - 39.7 MB
File28.Staying informed.mp4 - 35.2 MB
File22.Vitamins.mp4 - 34 MB
File27.Sleep.mp4 - 32.9 MB
File21.Smoking.mp4 - 31.9 MB
File5.About the lecturer.mp4 - 29.7 MB
File23.Herbs and spices.mp4 - 29.7 MB
File8.Manage your medical conditions.mp4 - 26.9 MB
File19.Excess consumption of animal products.mp4 - 26.6 MB
File9.Atrial fibriliation.mp4 - 25.5 MB
File18.Nutrients that can prevent strokes.mp4 - 25.1 MB
File10.Diabetes.mp4 - 24 MB
File13.Physical inactivity.mp4 - 23.5 MB
File16.Foods.mp4 - 21.3 MB
File17.Liquids.mp4 - 18.4 MB
File24.Obesity.mp4 - 18.4 MB
File20.Specific products.mp4 - 17.4 MB
File11.Blood pressure.mp4 - 16.4 MB
File14.Walking.mp4 - 15.8 MB
File7.Causes ones you cannot change.mp4 - 14.5 MB
File12.Cholesterol.mp3 - 12 MB
File6.What is a stroke.mp3 - 11.3 MB
File26.Manage stress.mp3 - 10.8 MB
File15.Diet.mp3 - 10.2 MB
File27.Sleep.mp3 - 8.93 MB
File18.Nutrients that can prevent strokes.mp3 - 8.39 MB
File8.Manage your medical conditions.mp3 - 8.25 MB
File29.Conclusion.mp3 - 8.16 MB
File16.Foods.mp3 - 7.85 MB
File13.Physical inactivity.mp3 - 7.51 MB
File25.Drugs.mp3 - 7.4 MB
File10.Diabetes.mp3 - 7.14 MB
File28.Staying informed.mp3 - 7.03 MB
File7.Causes ones you cannot change.mp3 - 6.78 MB
File19.Excess consumption of animal products.mp3 - 6.78 MB
File22.Vitamins.mp3 - 6.75 MB
File21.Smoking.mp3 - 6.7 MB
File23.Herbs and spices.mp3 - 6 MB
File11.Blood pressure.mp3 - 5.33 MB
File17.Liquids.mp3 - 5.1 MB
File14.Walking.mp3 - 4.73 MB
File20.Specific products.mp3 - 4.52 MB
File9.Atrial fibriliation.mp3 - 4.41 MB
File24.Obesity.mp3 - 3.47 MB
File5.Mental health journal.pdf - 2.95 MB
File26.Boredomseniors.pdf - 894 kB
File15.Inflammation.pdf - 833 kB workbook.pdf - 638 kB
File27.sleep.pdf - 539 kB
File13.all6+Weeks+to+Fitness.doc - 134 kB
File12.Cholesterol.vtt - 12.9 kB
File26.Manage stress.vtt - 10.1 kB
File6.What is a stroke.vtt - 10 kB
File29.Conclusion.vtt - 8.47 kB
File27.Sleep.vtt - 8.32 kB
File18.Nutrients that can prevent strokes.vtt - 8.1 kB
File28.Staying informed.vtt - 7.48 kB
File22.Vitamins.vtt - 7.35 kB
File15.Diet.vtt - 7.08 kB
File8.Manage your medical conditions.vtt - 6.79 kB
File25.Drugs.vtt - 6.65 kB
File10.Diabetes.vtt - 6.54 kB
File7.Causes ones you cannot change.vtt - 6.3 kB
File23.Herbs and spices.vtt - 6.13 kB
File17.Liquids.vtt - 5.13 kB
File16.Foods.vtt - 5.03 kB
File20.Specific products.vtt - 4.89 kB
File19.Excess consumption of animal products.vtt - 4.53 kB
File11.Blood pressure.vtt - 4.46 kB
File21.Smoking.vtt - 4.23 kB
File13.Physical inactivity.vtt - 4.09 kB
File14.Walking.vtt - 3.11 kB
File9.Atrial fibriliation.vtt - 2.81 kB
File24.Obesity.vtt - 2.6 kB
File5.About the lecturer.vtt - 38 B
Folder15.Short Course Diploma
File189.Short Course Diploma.mp4 - 37 MB
File189.Short Course Diploma.mp3 - 3.71 MB
File189.Short Course Diploma.vtt - 4.29 kB
File174.It makes you smarter.mp4 - 32 MB
File167.Pleasure.mp4 - 26 MB
File169.Escape.mp4 - 26 MB
File171.Prevents memory loss.mp4 - 20.4 MB
File168.Stress.mp4 - 19.7 MB
File172.Reading in groups.mp4 - 19.6 MB
File173.Teenagers.mp4 - 17.1 MB
File166.Introduction.mp4 - 12.2 MB
File170.Empathy.mp4 - 10.3 MB
File174.It makes you smarter.mp3 - 5.26 MB
File167.Pleasure.mp3 - 3.72 MB
File171.Prevents memory loss.mp3 - 3.52 MB
File169.Escape.mp3 - 3.38 MB
File173.Teenagers.mp3 - 2.98 MB
File168.Stress.mp3 - 2.67 MB
File172.Reading in groups.mp3 - 2.24 MB
File166.Introduction.mp3 - 1.7 MB
File170.Empathy.mp3 - 1.63 MB
File167.Pleasure.vtt - 3.76 kB
File174.It makes you smarter.vtt - 3.33 kB
File168.Stress.vtt - 2.75 kB
File169.Escape.vtt - 2.48 kB
File172.Reading in groups.vtt - 2.08 kB
File166.Introduction.vtt - 1.83 kB
File173.Teenagers.vtt - 1.49 kB
File171.Prevents memory loss.vtt - 1.24 kB
File170.Empathy.vtt - 965 B
File190.Bonus.mp4 - 12.1 MB
FileMonthlypromo.pdf - 436 kB
File190.Bonus.vtt - 8 B
Tracker Seeder Leecher
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  • InfoHash: 850F30BE0FDC903CC5659FC3AF2166154148D894
  • Last Updated: Nov 28, 2023
  • File Count: 575
  • File Category: 1
  • Tags: udemy, сердечные, приступы, инсульты, убивают
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