
Always the Killer Never the Bride, Pain in the Assassin (01) by Addison Moore EPUB

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FolderAlways the Killer Never the Bride, Pain in the Assassin (01) by Addison Moore EPUB
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  • InfoHash: 87440AADE3B2CBBDB17AD5B07D0FAC6B563E6C6F
  • Last Updated: Sep 27, 2023
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Always the Killer Never the Bride, Pain in the Assassin (01) by Addison Moore EPUB

Source: 1337x

Uploaded By: zakareya


Always the Killer Never the Bride, Pain in the Assassin (01) by Addison Moore EPUB

My name is Eufrasia Canelli but everybody calls me Effie . I come from a big Italian family with big hearts, big appetites, and an even bigger bankroll that’s cleverly hidden from the IRS. I’m not married to the mob, I was born into it. Just last year, I was laid off from my career at a tech company and in an effort to keep from moving back home—I went crawling to the biggest crime lord I know—my Uncle Jimmy. He gave me two Dance at his strip club—or hunt down his enemies. Seeing that I’m no fan of public nudity, I opted for murder. Let’s just say my mortality rate so far is nil. Okay, so I’m not a straight shot but my Uncle Jimmy doesn’t seem to mind and I’m still raking in enough money to keep a roof over my head. I also took a part-time job at a local bakery. Not only do I get to satisfy my sweet tooth for free but I get a decent cover when I’m asked about my employment. But the darndest thing just happened at one of my gigs, someone dropped dead!

And guess who landed at the top of the suspect list?

Me. Now I’ve got to find the killer before I end up behind bars for committing a homicide that wasn’t even on my radar. I guess it’s true what they say—living in Honey Hollow can be murder.


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