A Practical Introduction to Electrical Circuits by John E. Ayers PDF
A Practical Introduction to Electrical Circuits represents a fresh approach to the subject which is compact and easy to use, yet offers a comprehensive description of the fundamentals, including Kirchhoff's laws, nodal and mesh analysis, Thevenin and Norton's theorems, and maximum power transfer for both DC and AC circuits, as well as transient analysis of first- and second-order circuits. Advanced topics such as mutual inductance and transformers, operational amplifier circuits, sequential switching, and three-phase systems reinforce the fundamentals. Approximately one hundred solved examples are included within the printed copy. Extra features online include over two hundred additional problems with detailed, step-by-step solutions, and 40 self-service quizzes with solutions and feedback.
Table of Contents
Beginning Concepts and Resistive Circuits
Nodal Analysis
Operational Amplifier Circuits
Mesh Analysis
Thevenin's and Norton's Theorems
First-Order Circuits
Second-Order Circuits
Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
Frequency Response