TV Series
What happens to political satire when the real world goes mad? UBERFreak (A Web Series) is a comedy that was born out of the news headlines of the day, written and produced by Slim Khezri, as a reflection to a political correct society. UBERFreak holds the mirror to the world, it's purpose is to inspire the viewer to think, and perhaps to spark a conversation. Kurtz is the UBER driver from hell, outspoken, narrow-minded, seemingly prejudiced against everyone who is not like him or his idea of how people should be. Kurtz is an irritable manic, a dissatisfied, intolerant, misogynist, racist, faultfinding, and prone to violent outbursts of rage with his passengers, especially when it comes to the news headlines of the day or politics in general. Kurtz is very opinionated, has extreme views which he doesn't hide, he's blunt, short fused, constantly triggered, very controversial, and outrageous, he doesn't speak the "political correct" language. Kurtz is not your everyday nice guy, and ...
Rating: Rating: /10 ()
time Duration: Minutes
Calender Release Date: Oct 6, 2024
Country: USA
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    • Stars: Slim Khezri
    • Plot Keywords: uber driver, racist, politically incorrect, political satire, bigot
    • Production Company: Doubajen Group

    UBERFreak (A Web Series) is a comedy that was born out of the news headlines of the day, written and produced by Slim Khezri, as a reflection to a political correct society.

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