The Knight and the Princess
Inspired by a true 7th century warrior, the plot follows young adventurer Mohammed Bin Alkassim with a fictional twist. At the age of 15, he believed that anything is possible, and took it upon himself to save women and children who were abducted by pirates in the Indian sea. This quest would lead him to a great challenge and joyful encounter. As he turned 17, he was ready to take on the tyrant king Daher. Once again he leaves his hometown Basra, Iraq, with his lifelong friend Zaid, and his mentor, Abu Alaswad, on a challenging mission to free Sind.
Rating: Rating: 5.7/10 (462)
time Duration: 95 Minutes
Calender Release Date: Sep 19, 2019
Country: Egypt,Saudi Arabia
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    • Stars: Aiemzy, Mohamed El Dafrawy, Lekaa El Khamisy
    • Director(s): Bashir El Deek
    • Writer(s): Bashir El Deek
    • Plot Keywords: arab, arabic history, jinn, genie, sorcerer
    • Production Company: Alsahar Animation,Alsahar Animation,MediaBox

    An unwavering young warrior's determination to save abducted women and children leads him to confront a brutal tyrant and his devious sorcerer.

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