The Adventures of Peter and Wolf
TV Series
An animated sitcom about the adventures of a city boy Peter and his magical friend the Wolf, a guest from the universe inhabited by magical characters from tales and legends. The series if full of hilarious and absurd adventures on the crossway between the magical and the real worlds.
Rating: Rating: 7.4/10 (75)
time Duration: 11 Minutes
Calender Release Date: Feb 3, 2020
Country: Russia
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An animated sitcom about the adventures of a city boy Peter and his magical friend the Wolf, a guest from the universe inhabited by magical characters from tales and legends. The series if f... An animated sitcom about the adventures of a city boy Peter and his magical friend the Wolf, a guest from the universe inhabited by magical characters from tales and legends. The series if full of hilarious and absurd adventures on the crossway between the magical and the real wo... An animated sitcom about the adventures of a city boy Peter and his magical friend the Wolf, a guest from the universe inhabited by magical characters from tales and legends. The series if full of hilarious and absurd adventures on the crossway between the magical and the real worlds.

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