Point Break
In Los Angeles, California, a gang of bank robbers call themselves The Ex-Presidents. commit their crimes while wearing masks of ex-Presidents Reagan, Carter, Nixon, and Johnson. The F.B.I. believes that the members of the gang could be surfers, and send young Agent Johnny Utah undercover at the beach to mix with the surfers and gather information. Utah meets surfer Bodhi, and gets drawn into the lifestyle of his new friend. —Sami Al-Taher <[email protected]>
Rating: Rating: 7.3/10 (197.2K)
time Duration: 122 Minutes
Calender Release Date: Jul 11, 1991
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  • Point Break (1991) [1080p]
    Size1.98 GB
    Seeder 98
    Leecher 107
    DateOct 25, 2018
    • Stars: Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Gary Busey
    • Director(s): Kathryn Bigelow
    • Writer(s): Rick King, W. Peter Iliff
    • Plot Keywords: surfer, bank robbery, title directed by female, male bonding, robbery
    • Production Company: Largo Entertainment,JVC Entertainment Networks

    An F.B.I. Agent goes undercover to catch a gang of surfers who may be bank robbers.An F.B.I. Agent goes undercover to catch a gang of surfers who may be bank robbers.An F.B.I. Agent goes undercover to catch a gang of surfers who may be bank robbers.

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