TV Series
Ashens (Stuart Ashen) reviews (usually in front of a brown sofa) an assortment of products, from gadgets to food (usually bad ones, called by him "tat") and does comedy skits from time to time.
Rating: Rating: 8.6/10 (244)
time Duration: 15 Minutes
Calender Release Date: Mar 28, 2006
Country: UK
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    • Stars: Stuart Ashen, Paradox, Alec Plowman
    • Plot Keywords: cell phone, review, sofa, internet, improvised weapon
    • Production Company: Ashens

    Ashens () reviews (usually in front of a brown sofa) an assortment of products, from gadgets to food (usually bad ones, called by him "tat") and does comedy skits from time to time.

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